Ecoeye Signs MOU with Three Regional Carbon Neutrality Support Centers

 Ecoeye announced on February 10 that it has signed an MOU with carbon neutrality support centers in Daegu, Daejeon, and Jeonbuk to adopt Ecoeye's Regional Emissions Management Platform (REMP). 

 Following the enactment of the ‘Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth for Coping with Climate Crisis’ in 2022, local governments are now required to implement and monitor carbon neutrality policies. However, they struggle to formulate and monitor carbon neutrality policies due to insufficient or scattered emissions data.

 Through this MOU, Ecoeye's Regional Emissions Management Platform (REMP) will provide cloud-based greenhouse gas information to help local governments in addressing these challenges. The subscription-based platform aims to help local authorities develop and implement carbon neutrality policies while enhancing networking among the carbon neutrality support centers.

 The platform will be completed by March and launched in April for Daegu, Daejeon, and Jeonbuk’s carbon neutrality support centers, offering emissions data and regional carbon neutrality performance indicators. Additionally, expansion to other local governments is planned.

 An Ecoeye representative noted a rising demand for cloud-based services in regions that have delayed establishing key support systems because of cost concerns, and emphasized the company's commitment to supporting carbon neutrality plans and fostering local collaboration.